Alla inlägg den 24 oktober 2013

Av berattarugglan - 24 oktober 2013 15:31

Tänkte bjuda på en engelsk berättelse som jag skrev för några månader sen. Feedback tas emot med öppna armar!

Once apon a time there were three little pigs, or at least two little pigs because the third pig was bigger than both of her sisters put together.

This day they were going to vistit their grandma of whom they hadn't seen in a very long time.

After they'd packed, they left home and began their journey.

Soon they came to a brige upon a great river. The brige looked very weak.

”We daren't cross the brige,” cried the two little pigs. ”It might not hold.”

”But we have to,” said their sister.”And I refuse to believe that it will break.”

After she said that she crossed the brige all safe and sound.

Her sisters came after but they were both really frightened.

”This isn't going to work!” they whispered to themselves.

Then something terrible happened, just when they were on the middle of it, the brige broke into a thousand little pieces and the two of them fell into the cold water.

”Don't worry!” their sister said. ”I'll rescue you. Just give me your hands and I'll pull you up.”

And she did.

After that they carried on walking until they came to a deep forest.

”Oh no!” gasped the two little pigs. ”This forest is so deep and thick we're afraid it might be a great struggle to walk through it.”

”Perhaps you're right,” said their sister,” but if we just stay together we can do this.”

But unfortunatley, they lost each other anyway.

”Sister, sister! Where are you?” shouted the two little pigs and in another part of the forest their sister was searching for them too. But without any luck.

After a while the big pig decided to find her way out of the forest herself.

”We have been here many times before, I'm sure my sisters will find their way out, unless they already have. I only hope I can find my way on my own.” she thought.

Meanwhile, the two other pigs thought the same thing.

They walked around in the forest but only seemed to get more lost.

”I knew it all along that this would happen!” cried one of the little pigs. ”We're never going to get out of here!”

The big pig had almost lost her hope too, but managed to pull herself together.

”Don't panic,” she told herself,” I can fix this, I'm a clever pig.”

And by that, she found her way to the end of the forest almost immediately.

”Now I just have to find my sisters, but how?” she thought. After a while of thinking she got an idea.

She scrambled up to the top of a tall tree where she looked around trying to spot a glimpse of her sisters.

”Hoot, hoot! Dear sisters, where are you?” she shouted.

All of the sudden she found herself peering at two tiny pink spots in the middle of the forest, of which she assumed were her sisters.

Her sisters saw her too and shouted back: ”thank heaven! Dear sister, you found us!”

”I believe I did,” answered the big pig. ”Follow the direction you see me and you'll be out of the forest before you even know it.”

The two little pigs did as they were told and shortly after, all three of them were walking friskly together again.

After a long while they finally saw a gigantic mountain and on the top of it was their grandma's house.

”I don't remember the mountain being this big,” sighed the little pigs.”It might take all day for us to get up to grandma's.”

”Don't think like that,” suggested the big pig, ”If you only believe you can do anything you want.”

And by that she walked all the way up the top of the mountain where her grandma happily welcomed her.

But the two little pigs were still struggling their way up, and it went slow.

”God grace,” panted one of them,” we're not even half way up and I'm already exhausted.”

”Me too”, agreed the other pig,” I can't do this.”

But then they both remembered what their sister had told them and abruptly changed their minds.

”Forget what I said”, declared one of them, ”we can do this if we only believe in ourselves. It's what we should have done all the time. Maybe the brige wouldn't have collapsed underneath our feet if we believed it would hold... and maybe we would've found our way out of the forest immediatly if we believed we could and-”

”And maybe we can do this too”, filled the other pig in,” if we just believe.”

Then they stubbornly marched all the way up the mountain where their sister and grandma were waiting patiently.

”We almost gave up”, confessed one of the little pigs, ”but you saved us”, she told her big sister.

”From now on we will always try to be positive and to believe in ourselves, because then you don't give up”, promised the other little pig.

Then all four of them went into grandma's house where they ate freshly cooked shepherds pie that smelled lovely and homemade.

”Shepherds pie, my favorite!” exclaimed the big pig.

”Your pies are the best grandma”, said one of her sisters.

And from that day on they all lived happily ever after and made all of their biggest dreams come true.

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