Alla inlägg under oktober 2013

Av berattarugglan - 30 oktober 2013 11:12


Träden var mycket vackrare i verkligheten än på kort. Alla de snirkliga, tunna grenar och kvistar, som avtecknade sig mot den magiska himlen...      

Av berattarugglan - 30 oktober 2013 10:35

Här kommer nästa del av The adventures of Tom the mouse!

It was an awfully long way to the dentist's, at least for a little mouse. Since he was living in the nature of Brazil, lots of tropical plants was blocking his way. When he'd walked almost half of the way to the dentist's he was in for a truly nasty surprise.

Hiding well in one of the lush bushes beside the path was a hungry snake lurking. A pair of yellow eyes followed his way. Poor Tom was compleatly unawhere of this. A long tail was blocking the way for poor Tom, who of course couldn't see it, before it was too late. Helplessly he stumbled over the tail.

”Ouch!” he cried, looking around himself to see who was guilty. The snake slithered elegantly out of his hiding place. ”Whoops did I block your way?” the snake called out triumthantly.

” What was that for!?” Tom cried, he was very cross. But when he saw the snake's slender tongue licking it´s lips he relized that the snake maybe hadn't got the same delicous breakfast as he had. He was scared, but he tryed to look as confident as possible.

”Freash, juicy, tasty meat! I'll eat you up before you can even bleat! Oh, tell me little mouse, aren't I just the best at rhyming!” the snake exclaimed proudly.

”Indeed” Tom answered sounding a lot calmer than he actually was, you could clearly hear that he wasn't meaning what he was saying, he thought it was ridiculus .

”Well aren't you afraid of me? Aren't you going to run??”

”Why should I? I bet I can run twice as fast as you.” Tom crossed his arms.

”Don't be so sure of that you- you cocky little meatball!” The snake smacked with his lips and chuckled threatingly, he was enjoying this. He laughed some more. Once he'd stopped, he realized that the mouse was gone.

”Oh no!” he cried. ” Why do I always have to get so distracted by my humour! Well, at least now we'll see if he is as fast as he claims to be...”

Av berattarugglan - 28 oktober 2013 20:29

Tidigare har jag lagt ut min berättelse Saga och den elake svartalfen i stycken här på bloggen. Nu tänkte jag göra detsamma med en annan berättelse som jag skrev för ungefär två år sen, men som jag ändå tycker är bra. Den är skriven på engelska, hoppas att det går bra ändå. Den här berättelsen heter The adventures of Tom the mouse. Det vore jätteroligt om någon ville ta sig tid att läsa den. Som ni ser så delar jag upp den i väldigt små bitar, kanske det gör att folk orkar läsa den.


That early Sunday morning things weren't like they used to.

Mouse Tom wasn't woken up by the singing birds outside, neither woken up by the bright sunbeams, streaming through the window. He was woken by the terrible ache coming from one of his teeth.

He sat up, walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. It was a brownish, wobbily tooth.

It was like a bruise, you only had to touch and it hurt.

Then he put on his clothes, ate some breakfeast and brushed his teeth very carefully indeed.

He also booked an examination at the dentists. Knowing that the dentist was a very sweet and kind girl he spent a lot of time in front of the mirror before he took off.

He was secretly in love with her.

Av berattarugglan - 27 oktober 2013 22:25

Jag har märkt att ingen av er verkar så intresserad av att delta i någon dikttävling, vilket är ganska synd tycker jag som gillar dikter.

Därför tänkte jag prova något annat den här gången.

Det blir en fototävling!

Fota något vackert (vad som helst) och publicera det på min blogg.

Vinnarens pris är att jag lägger in en länk till din blogg på min-den får ligga där i en månad.   

Obs! Blir det inte fler än fyra deltagare så läggs tävlingen ner.

Av berattarugglan - 27 oktober 2013 21:54

Jag är så trött på hösten nu- och på halloween! Jag är trött på alla fallna löv och alla gulbruna åkar, på den grå himlen och alla hemska skräckfilmer!

Apropå skräckfilmer, förut hade jag knappt sett någon skräckfilm, bara halvläskiga filmer som Harry Potter och Percy Jackson and the lightening theif, men tack vare skolans arbetsområde skräck så såg jag två skräckfilmer på en dag. Det var The shining och Sinister och jag ska inte ljuga för er, jag har faktiskt blivit lite mörkrädd. Det är nog bäst att jag vilar mig från sånt ett tag..

En till sak också, jag förstår om alla tycker att jag är tokig nu, men kan det inte bli vinter snart? Jag tycker att vintern brukar var alltför lång, men nu längtar jag verkligen efter den.

Tänk dig att sitta inne i ditt varma trygga hus och ägna dig åt julpyssel med din familj, baka lite, lyssna på lite julsånger och bara mysa!

Tända doftljus och inreda med små jultomtar i fönsterbrädorna och klä julgranen som doftar ljuvligt av skog.

Kanske inte alla sysslar med julpyssel och sånt, vad vet jag? Men det brukar i alla fall vi i min familj göra.

Nu ska jag försöka sova- hoppas jag inte får några läskiga mardrömmar! Hoppas att ni sover gott med. <3

Av berattarugglan - 25 oktober 2013 17:50

Om du gillar att fota- kolla in Den här veckan trissar vi för rosa bandet, så det är rosa som gäller!


Blommor i fönsterbrädan hemma hos mig, jag älskar de vågiga bladen som pryder blomman likt en volangklänning!


En gammal kopp som jag tydligt minns från min barndom! 


I den här asken som jag köpte i England har jag alla mina örhängen...

Jag känner mig också lite extra generös idag, så jag bjuder på en till bild som inte tillhör trissen men som ändå är rosa. 


Av berattarugglan - 25 oktober 2013 07:57


Promenad runt sjön



Också en liten blomma!


Just nu sitter jag i skolan och tänkte bjuda på lite bilder, som jag tog för ungefär en vecka sen. =)

Av berattarugglan - 24 oktober 2013 15:31

Tänkte bjuda på en engelsk berättelse som jag skrev för några månader sen. Feedback tas emot med öppna armar!

Once apon a time there were three little pigs, or at least two little pigs because the third pig was bigger than both of her sisters put together.

This day they were going to vistit their grandma of whom they hadn't seen in a very long time.

After they'd packed, they left home and began their journey.

Soon they came to a brige upon a great river. The brige looked very weak.

”We daren't cross the brige,” cried the two little pigs. ”It might not hold.”

”But we have to,” said their sister.”And I refuse to believe that it will break.”

After she said that she crossed the brige all safe and sound.

Her sisters came after but they were both really frightened.

”This isn't going to work!” they whispered to themselves.

Then something terrible happened, just when they were on the middle of it, the brige broke into a thousand little pieces and the two of them fell into the cold water.

”Don't worry!” their sister said. ”I'll rescue you. Just give me your hands and I'll pull you up.”

And she did.

After that they carried on walking until they came to a deep forest.

”Oh no!” gasped the two little pigs. ”This forest is so deep and thick we're afraid it might be a great struggle to walk through it.”

”Perhaps you're right,” said their sister,” but if we just stay together we can do this.”

But unfortunatley, they lost each other anyway.

”Sister, sister! Where are you?” shouted the two little pigs and in another part of the forest their sister was searching for them too. But without any luck.

After a while the big pig decided to find her way out of the forest herself.

”We have been here many times before, I'm sure my sisters will find their way out, unless they already have. I only hope I can find my way on my own.” she thought.

Meanwhile, the two other pigs thought the same thing.

They walked around in the forest but only seemed to get more lost.

”I knew it all along that this would happen!” cried one of the little pigs. ”We're never going to get out of here!”

The big pig had almost lost her hope too, but managed to pull herself together.

”Don't panic,” she told herself,” I can fix this, I'm a clever pig.”

And by that, she found her way to the end of the forest almost immediately.

”Now I just have to find my sisters, but how?” she thought. After a while of thinking she got an idea.

She scrambled up to the top of a tall tree where she looked around trying to spot a glimpse of her sisters.

”Hoot, hoot! Dear sisters, where are you?” she shouted.

All of the sudden she found herself peering at two tiny pink spots in the middle of the forest, of which she assumed were her sisters.

Her sisters saw her too and shouted back: ”thank heaven! Dear sister, you found us!”

”I believe I did,” answered the big pig. ”Follow the direction you see me and you'll be out of the forest before you even know it.”

The two little pigs did as they were told and shortly after, all three of them were walking friskly together again.

After a long while they finally saw a gigantic mountain and on the top of it was their grandma's house.

”I don't remember the mountain being this big,” sighed the little pigs.”It might take all day for us to get up to grandma's.”

”Don't think like that,” suggested the big pig, ”If you only believe you can do anything you want.”

And by that she walked all the way up the top of the mountain where her grandma happily welcomed her.

But the two little pigs were still struggling their way up, and it went slow.

”God grace,” panted one of them,” we're not even half way up and I'm already exhausted.”

”Me too”, agreed the other pig,” I can't do this.”

But then they both remembered what their sister had told them and abruptly changed their minds.

”Forget what I said”, declared one of them, ”we can do this if we only believe in ourselves. It's what we should have done all the time. Maybe the brige wouldn't have collapsed underneath our feet if we believed it would hold... and maybe we would've found our way out of the forest immediatly if we believed we could and-”

”And maybe we can do this too”, filled the other pig in,” if we just believe.”

Then they stubbornly marched all the way up the mountain where their sister and grandma were waiting patiently.

”We almost gave up”, confessed one of the little pigs, ”but you saved us”, she told her big sister.

”From now on we will always try to be positive and to believe in ourselves, because then you don't give up”, promised the other little pig.

Then all four of them went into grandma's house where they ate freshly cooked shepherds pie that smelled lovely and homemade.

”Shepherds pie, my favorite!” exclaimed the big pig.

”Your pies are the best grandma”, said one of her sisters.

And from that day on they all lived happily ever after and made all of their biggest dreams come true.


  Hej. Jag är en femtonåring som älskar att skriva berättelser och dikter.

Jag gillar också att springa, läsa, fotaoch vara med kompisar.

Min familj är: två rara systrar, två petiga päron, samt en härlig och alldeles underbar hund.

Hoppas du gillar min blogg- och lova att komma tillbaka också!

Fråga mig gärna

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Vinnarens pris är att jag lägger in en länk till din blogg på min-den får ligga där i en månad.

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